Welcome to the Joseph Duelk, Jr., Ancient Order of Hibernians, Division 1, Orange County website.
Our Order is founded upon the principles of Friendship, Unity and Christian Charity.
Membership is open to all practicing Catholics of Irish heritage by birth or descent.
We strive to espouse our Catholic faith, celebrate our Irish heritage, and do good works in our community.
If you are interested, and meet our membership qualifications, please click here to submit an application for membership.
Please pay your Dues for 2025
Next Meeting March 14th, 7:30pm
(Doors open at 6:30pm)
We are thrilled to announce that our very own Grand Marshal, the amazing Billy Coffey will be leading the festivities!

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AOH Division 1 News

AOH Division 1 Conducts Food Drive at Shoprite Monroe
Thanks to the generosity of the Monroe community, we raised $330 in cash donations and delivered 2 carloads of non-perishable foods to Our Father’s Kitchen and the Washingtonville Food Pantry. Pictured are those who participated in our Food Drive at Shoprite Monroe Sunday November 18!
Steve Parker; William Coffey; Tom McCarthy; Russell Flynn; James Schmidt, John McCabe;
Boys Juniors: William Coffey, Liam Parker and Conor Cunniffe. Lady’s Division 5
Kat Sullivan-Parker. Division 5 Junior Girls: Caitlyn and Caroline Coffey, Riley Parker and Maeve Cunniffe. Thanks to all who made this a successful event!

The Old Brigade!
AOH Pipes and Drums win First Place for 2018 NYC St. Patrick's Day Parade
Bandmaster Tully accepts the 2018 Best Marching Band Plaque from AOH County President Ed Burke, as AOH Division 1 President Neil O'Riordan and members of the Old Brigade look on.
At this year's NYC Parade Committee Meeting, our own AOH Pipes and Drums were awarded First Place for Organization Pipes and Drum Bands, for their superior performance at the 2018 NYC parade. Hillary Beirne, Executive Secretary for the Parade Committee, exclaimed while the award was presented to AOH County President Ed Burke, who was representing our AOH Orange County Organizations at the meeting, that "it is just beautiful to see the band marching up the avenue with the flags furling!" Worthy President Burke accepted the award on behalf of the band as it was presented by Parade Chairman Sean Lane.
Congratulations to Bandmaster Mike Tully and all the men and women of the Orange County AOH Pipes and Drums!

Denis Mulcahy awarded 2018 AOH John F. Kennedy Memorial Award
President O'Riordan attends National Conference to represent Division 1
Division 1 member Denis Mulcahy, founder of Project Children, was awarded the John F. Kennedy Memorial Medal, the highest award of recognition bestowed by the Ancient Order of Hibernians, at the 2018 AOH National Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.
Project Children was founded in 1975 by Denis Mulcahy. In addition to being a Hibernian, Denis was a member of the New York Police Department Bomb Squad. After watching too many news accounts of violence, the Cork native reasoned that if Protestant and Catholic children could spend time together in an environment that was not toxic with war, they would be less likely as adults to hurl bombs at each other, and Project Children was born.
That first summer, he and his wife Miriam brought six children, three Protestant and three Catholic, to spend the summer with them in their home in New York State.
Our Division hosted a movie that told the Project Children story, “How to Defuse a Bomb,” in April of last year at the Monroe movie theater. It was so well attended, we had to do two showings of it and over 600 people attended the movie screening.
Project Children was in existence for 40 years and ended in 2015. Over its life, the program brought 22,000 children from Northern Ireland to spend the summer with 1,500 host families in the United States.
Denis has also been nominated for the Noble Peace Prize three times.
Congratulations to Brother Denis Mulcahy on his receipt of this well-deserved award.

Presentation of Veteran's Pin to Senator Bill Larkin
AOH Division 1 honors Longtime AOH Member
It was with great pleasure that the executive board of AOH Division 1, the Joseph Duelk Jr. Memorial Division of Monroe Orange County NY to present AOH Division 1 member Senator Bill Larkin with the National AOH in America’s Veterans Pin. We would like to thank Maureen Morse This years Mid-Hudson St. Patrick’s Day Parade Grand Marshall for accompanying us, she is a member of the Ladies AOH in Monroe and lifelong friend of Senator Bill Larkin. Thanks Vice President of Division 1 Billy Coffey for presenting the medal and Tom McCarthy for making all the arrangements.

2018 St. Patrick's Marching Season
Division 1 had a great 2018 marching season! We marched in the Mid-Hudson Parade, honoring Grand Marshal Maureen Morse, our own Aide John McCabe, Ladies 5 Aide Eileen Walsh (wife of our Brother Tom Walsh) and Ladies 5 Junior Aide Maeve Degan (daughter of our Brother Ed Degan), along with all the Aides! We also marched up 5th Avenue in NYC behind our Aide to the Grand Marshal Brother Keith Reynolds, AOH Deputy National Organizer. The following day, we marched in Pearl River as the Honor Guard to our Pipes and Drums, the Old Brigade, AOH Division 1 Pipes and Drums. And on Saturday, March 24th, we will march for the first time in the Yonkers/Woodlawn/McLean Avenue Parade! Check out our Photos for more great images from the parades, and come and join us on March 24th in our next parade!

AOH Hall Renovation Project
Dear AOH Brothers,
This Saturday, August 5, 2017, starting at 7 AM, we will be beginning a renovation project at the AOH Hall for our Kitchen.
Work to be performed includes:
Removal of all materials from cabinets, shelves, etc.
Removal of the non-working freezer unit.
Removal of the current ceiling tiles.
Removal of wall cabinets.
Removal of base cabinets and counter tops.
Evaluation of sink and associated cabinets and possible removal.
Evaluation of flooring.
Evaluation of walls and repair/painting plan.
Measuring for new ceiling and trip to pick up materials, and two additional light units.
Trip to pick up storage cabinets.
Trip to pick up paint and wall repair materials.
Measuring for stainless steel shelving and pick up.
Purchase of additional refrigerator and arranging for delivery.
Trades needed include Brothers experienced with demoing space, installing ceiling and floor tiles, Brothers with younger teen to young adult kids who might be willing to come and help with removal of materials, plumbing, painting.
Once this initial work is completed, we will develop a plan for the work needed to complete the renovation, and decide what additional days are needed.
The Board will appreciate anyone who can devote an hour or the full day.
Lunch will be provided midday and beverages available.
Thank you,
The Board of AOH Division 1 and the JDJ Corporation.
All help is appreciated!
1st Lt. Louis E. Allen AOH Division 1 Junior Division, Orange County, New York
AOH Division 1 is proud to announce that it has established a Junior Division, the 1st Lieutenant Louis E. Allen Junior Division, which was organized on January 21st, 2017. Click here for more information

Memorial Day Services
AOH members of Division 1 and Division 4 of Orange County, New York attended sunrise Memorial Day services at seven Cemetery and Monument locations in Goshen, New York. At each location a prayer was recited for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice followed by piper playing Amazing Grace and then a twenty-one gun salute by members of the American Legion.
While visiting the Orange County Veterans Cemetery members paid their respects at the grave site of 1st. Lt, Louis Allen who died in Iraq and is the namesake of the first AOH Junior Division in Orange County. A decade of the Rosary was said by members along with his parents who were in attendance.
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Events at a Glance
December 15, 2019
Saturday, December 15, 2018 12 PM OC Veteran's Cemetery
Wreaths Across America
Our Division would like to support the upcoming Wreaths Across America event, on December 15. The event will take place at 12 Noon at the Orange County Veteran's Cemetery. You can go to my Facebook page, the AOH page, or Google the event in order to RSVP officially. Please RSVP to our Recording Secretary if you are able to attend. If you are attending and have a green jacket or a black jacket, please wear it, or wear anything if you can attend and help Division 1 at this event.
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