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President's Message June 2017

Dear Brother’s: On Sunday June 11th at 09:30 AM at St. Anastasia RC Church in Harriman our Chaplin Fr. Michael Keane will hold a memorial mass for Joseph D Duelk KIA day June 14th 1968 whom our AOH Division is named in memory of. We will also honor and pray for 1st Lt. Louis E Allen KIA June 8th 2005 and whom our AOH Jr, Division is named in memory of. We are working with our Jr. division the LAOH and LAOH Jr’s to assist at the mass.

We are reaching out to family members of both service men to have them there at the mass. We are also reaching out to the American Legion post 488 to assist with an honor guard along with our local fire department to assist.

We are asking our members to attended in our parade uniforms, green jacket, white shirt , black tie, black pants, black socks and black shoes. If you don’t have a full uniform any AOH jacket or shirt will do, as we really want our members and their families to be in attendance for this event. After the mass we shall attended the grave sites of both fallen service men and lay wreaths and pray for them and their families.

At 1 PM we will hold a reception at our hall with catered food for our members and guests. I Look forward to seeing everyone Friday June 9th at our meeting – in Motto, I remain – Tommy Flynn

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